Electrical Safety Tips at Home
Articles - Feb 08, 2023 /  Post By Selex

Electricity safety is important in any home. From powering your appliances to lighting your home, electricity and appliances need a close checkup every now and then.

-Using the right bulbs can prevent electrical problems, so check all lamps, fixtures and appliances to ensure you’re using the correct wattage.

-Damaged power cords are a serious residential electrical safety risk, and they are capable of causing both fires and electrocution.

-One of the simplest electrical safety tips is also one of the easiest to forget: when an appliance is not in use, unplug it. Not only does this save you power by reducing any phantom drain, but unplugging unused appliances also protects them from overheating or power surges.

-Keeping electrical equipment away from plant pots, aquariums, sinks, showers and bathtubs lowers the risk of water and electricity coming into contact.

-Without proper air circulation, electrical equipment can overheat and short out and can become an electrical fire hazard. Make sure your appliances have proper air circulation and avoid running electrical equipment in enclosed cabinets.

-Some appliances have exhaust fans, which can get dirty or clogged with debris and make the appliance work harder. This can shorten the life of the appliance and can cause a risk to the home due to overheating or even cause a buildup of dangerous gases that can lead to an electrical fire hazard.

-Portable heaters should not be operated close to drapes, and to prevent tipping, they should only ever be placed on a stable surface.

If you do not know what to be done in case of an emergency or risky situation, do not attempt or try, instead, contact a professional soon. 

Purchase electrical equipment and appliances with a 2 years minimum warranty and extend it if possible. 

Invest in products after good research depending on quality and service.

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